Monday, November 24, 2008

G.O.J.F. Party.

From Melissa L., Fort Worth, Tx.

"My brother Tony Went in about 17 months ago, again. Needless to say, my family wasn't very proud of him at this point, and were not very excited to see him. I was like "FUCK THAT! It's TONY!". He's the best, seriously, and he's my brother, man. Who's to judge? He insisted we throw a kick-ass rager to celebrate him breaking out (jk!), so I wrangled up the troops, and we did our best. When I got the pictures back, they looked a little different than I imagined. Trust me, it was awesome!"

"Tony, all like "DGAF." I guess being reintroduced into society takes time. I love you, Tony."

"The Crew. I don't know why Skinny Pete is the only one rocking a brew. We drank ALOT of beers, that's for sure."

"Skinny Pete hangin' tough. Rhonda was in full form, of course. And Jules was throwing the horns! rock on, Jules! Lone Star!"

"Jules pulling last cup in pong. Of course we played pong! Zeeder looks pissed, trust me, he was just being a model-boy, haha!"

"Party Foul! It's not a party without one, right?"

"Gregster closed the party down by trying to take home Jules AND Gracie. Yeah right, Greg!"

"P.S. I love Gracie's Alabama shirt. I think she got it in Tuscaloosa. Whew, that story is for another time!"

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