Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend at Barney's

From Jeff Daniels (pretty sure it's not the Jeff Daniels), Toledo, OH.

"Hey man, I think these will work. My name is Jeff Daniels, I'm from Toledo. my cousin Richard came into town a few weeks ago, and we thought we'd hit up a few parties. I called my friend Barney (right?!), and he was all "Let's get it on!".We headed out to Tipp City, where Barney lives, and partied. We took a bunch of pictures on disposables. Soon after the party, I bought a digital camera. Ugh. The party was tons of fun, though. You just wouldn't know it."

"This is Richard. He asked me over the phone if he should wear nice clothes. I told him if he wanted to meet any girls, he should dress for what he's looking for. This is how he showed up. The mustache took him over the top, I think it was my Aunt Carol's idea."

"Barney and Chris. Every time I hang out with Barney, he lays a sob story on me about how he's upset he is heavy and named Barney. I always say "Ugly, too". We're friends. "

"This is Garland. He always tells me how happy he is because he has a original name that isn't stupid, and he's sexy. I couldn't agree more. I hate him."

"There was a girl there! See! I don't remember her name, it was dumb, like Tricia, or Morgan. I knew I didn't have a chance with her, and Garland would swoop in on Adam's groundwork, so I made a fun game out of dissing her."

"Guess when she left."

"Adam and Pinky. Pinky looks pissed, but I think Adam is yelling at Barney! Haha, this is when things hit high-gear."

"The guys were passed out from all the booze they drank, I swear!"

"Remember in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, when the guy was all "They're in the space between the spaces"? I think that's what happened with the photos. I captured mostly moments right before or after something awesome happened. Richard said he puked in Barney's Hamper... score! Anyways, Barney's house was fun, we're gonna do it again soon! I hope that girl comes back..."

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